The Attack Laurel Academy - Services and Curriculum
The Attack Laurel Academy is currently not accepting any new students. Sorry. However, you're welcome to explore the hallowed halls of the Academy:
Administration Wing
Apply to the Academy The Attack Laurel SCA Registry Form - how we keep track of the rest of you losers and wanna-bes. (4/10/08) Want to sell non-period stuff at events without fear of reprisal from Attack Laurels? Here's how!
Academic Studies The Attack Laurels at Pennsic 2008 (new! 8/27/08)
The Dean's Spring Letter- some thoughts on judging. (4/10/08) The REAL judging forms used in Arts & Sciences competitions What the Laurels are really saying when they critique your work Read the new rules for SCA events Maiming 101: How to attack people at events using harmless objects (1/9/07)
Graduate Work
Suggestions on how to have fun with your apprentices
Counseling Services
And what happens when it all goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Updates to the class schedule will happen semi-regularly, since Attack Laurels are notoriously lazy, and prefer to make their apprentices do all the work. The Dean of the Academy is currently in negotiations with her apprentices about working conditions, so you'll have to be patient. Hopefully the second crust of bread per day will not be a sticking point in the negotiations.