Long before I found the SCA, I was an artist. I was even a fine arts major (not a lucrative career field unless you're Andy Warhol, and I don't have his LeEt marketing skillZ). This is a selection of some pieces I've done over the years that I'm particularly fond of. No, I haven't sold any of them, but then, I haven't really tried (though I've made a few of them into postcards over the years).
Like most artists, I've gone through various stages, but I seem to always come back to abstract surrealist impressionism. It feels right. Sometimes it's more abstract than others, sometimes more surrreal, but it's always me.
Sometimes, this makes people nervous. I can't think why.
Part 1 - High School and College (1987-1989)
(those are the dates of the images I have. I dropped out of college to get married. I don't recommend this .)
I went to high school in the U.S. - Walt Whitman in Bethesda, where I had the first art teacher that really made me think that art might be more up my alley than being an English teacher (my previous idea). I went to college in Cambridge, England, and managed to skip a lot of classes in favour of wandering around Cambridge drawing things.
Some of my professors were okay with this, some of them weren't.
Skull study, 1987 |
Ink figure study, 1987 |
Cambridge River Bridge 1988 |
Jesus Lock, Cambridge 1988 |
National Gallery London, 1988 |
King's College Chapel 1988 |
Norwich Cathedral 1988 |
Some Church in Norfolk, 1988 |
Trinity College Courtyard, 1988 |
Trinity Chapel sculpture (Byron) 1988 |
Trinity Chapel (Shakespeare), 1988 |
Trinity College (Longfellow), 1988 |
Trinity College Chapel, 1988 |
Maddingley Estate, 1988 |
Washington D.C., Summer 1988 |
Part 2 - SCA and People
I spent the next few years in a less than happy marriage, then moved on. All the time, I was making random sketches and watercolours of whatever caught my attention.
Pennsic, 1988 |
Pennsic 1988 |
Timothy of Arindale, Pennsic 1988 |
1992 Barony business meeting |
Bob at fencing practice, 1995 |
Fighter practice 1995 |
Trees, 1995 |
More trees, 1995 |
Alan and Bob, 1995 |
Caer Mear Baronial Birthday, June 1995 |
White Scarf meeting, 1995 |
Woman and baby, 1995 |
Pennsic 1998 |
Madeleine, 2000 |
Matt, 2003 |
Part 3 - Cats I have known
I like drawing cats. I like painting cats. They're appealing.
No, I don't own any cats, though I used to.
Blackie, 1988 |
Random cat, 1988 |
Michaelangelo, 1993 |
Michaelangelo, 1994 |
Siena, 1994 |
Siena, 1994 |
Buddy, 1994 |
Xerox, 1994/5 |
Mavis, 2002? |
Part 4 - Figure Studies
I like drawing and painting figures. Usually female - I go with what I know. I've ended up with what I think are some interesting works over the years.
...your mileage may vary. But it's my site.
Part 5 - The Fetus Studies
Okay, these images may disturb some people. Some time during 1998, I became fascinated with what happens when life doesn't happen - and how beautiful the fetuses are, even in a non-viable state. I wanted to capture their fragility. This led to a series of paintings and studies and a lot of research, some of which was done at the Walter Reed Medical Museum (which is defintely worth a visit).
Part 6 - All the Other Stuff
And then there's all the other things I do that aren't really part of a project or part of a theme.