Seven Random Facts About Me...
I am a brain-injury researcher at a research foundation based out of Washington, D.C.
I grew up in England, and came here with my mother when I was 12. I went to high school in Maryland, and then went back to England to go to college. I've lived in the US since college. I've only ever lived in Maryland.
I'm married, and my husband and I have been together for over 12 years.
We own land in Virginia that used to be a farm. Every year, we get vulture babies in one of the outbuildings (see picture).
I've been making costumes ever since I can remember. A friend of the family always said I was going to become an opera singer because I liked dressing up so much (also, probably because I was a bit fat).
At my heaviest, I weighed about 200lbs. I'm 5'3". These days I hover around a somewhat lower weight.
In the SCA, I'm this.